Saturday, September 29, 2012

Monday, September 24, 2012

Bottle it Up...

There are different ideas that come to my mind when I think about memories and which one I'd bottle up for all time, to relive over and over. My first ingredient would be summer, not the blasting heat of July, but the cool dusk of June. The next ingredient would be the setting sun. Then, the jamming sounds of Dave Matthews Band playing at Blossom Music Theater, that night I think they played forever and ever. I was with my best friend, we were 17, and we sang along with every word and note that night. I can remember the feeling of fulfillment, happiness, and it seemed like everything in the world was just perfect.

I get goosebumps at the thought of opening this bottle - one that has been lodged in my memory for so long, lost in the plight of everyday. I imagine uncorking the top, breathing deeply, eyes closed, and the sounds of the band take over, my body relaxes with the heat of the sun, I can feel the grass under my feet. The air is charged with emotion, the crowd is lifting up their voices to the sky and I am overwhelmed by humble happiness.

Dave Matthews Band - Dreamgirl by Thecopywriter

Good Day My Lovelies, here is your bloggity prompt for Monday, September 24, by 9P.M. tonight! :)

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Friday, September 14, 2012

ABC's of Teaching High School

It's time for the first writing endeavor of the year. The students and I are embarking on our blogging adventures this year be creating 26 pieces of advice, organized alphabetically of course, on any topic they (and I) so choose. Because of the nature of my blog, and my life ;) - I am modeling this blog for them with the theme of teaching high school....enjoy!

A - Advocate for your students
B - Be on your toes
C - Compassion
D - Don't plan - DESIGN!
E - Eat Lunch! School lunch or pack your own - you have to have time in the day for yourself - even if it's only 20 minutes.
F - Forget what worked for you in school - this is a new generation and you have to be flexible
G - Go See Their Performances (Sports, Music, Plays, Recitals, etc!)
H - Humor
I - Integrate Technology as much as possible
J - Joke Around
K - Keep current with the popular things in their generation (TV Shows, Movies, Music...)
L - Love - your job - your students - your colleagues - your life
M - Make a Fool of Yourself
N - Nifty Fifty - Everyday, 30 minutes of exercise and 20 minutes of reading! (Kim Redmond)
O - Open your mind and your heart to new ideas and ways of thinking
P - Persistence - just keep swimming just keep swimming...
Q - Quiet - it doesn't happen often - but soak it up when it does
R - Repeat things, over and over and over and over and over......
S - Sleep... get it when you can!
T - Throw out what YOU think school should look and be like, make your educational universe what      your students think it should be like.
U - Uncover new ways of doing things - it's okay to reinvent the wheel!
inVest In Their Dreams
W - Work Hard - expect the same of yourself that you expect of your students
eXamine How You Live Your Life - be a model for your kids
Y - Young Minds are Malleable
Z - Zingers! Use these to keep these young "know it alls" on their toes!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Wednesday, September 5, 2012