...Not all that wander are lost...
Schooling is...
1a : instruction in school : education
b : training, guidance, or discipline derived from experience
To Be Schooled:
Being taught the proper way to perform an action, via extreme ownage and embarrasment. This requires the schooler, who is always of such a high level of skill that the schoolee has no chance of saving his reputation, to utterly dominate and show no remorse.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Thought for the Day.....
Learning to use anger is no easy task. Yet the alternative—letting anger use us—makes us prisoners of our own minds.
— Mark Epstein
Anger is a powerful emotion. Its best to take control of your anger, but a lot of times, anger takes control of you. Then you do things you wouldn't do if you were angry. Some of the choices you make may end up in serious trouble. So learn to control your anger, and not let it control you.
When you let anger use you, your letting that person or priority take control of you and you are giving them the excitement that they want. But when you learn to use someone else's anger against them, you are taking control of that person or that situation. When you learn to use anger, you are succeeding.
I like the thought of the day today. 9/21/2011. It makes perfect sense on how "anger uses us". It gives anger life, making it a being of it's own. I know from personal experience that when you use anger, it basically controls you and makes you do things you never would of done in a normal state. So this statement is very true. Anger does use us.
when you let anger use you, your letting people or that person get to you. using anger against you is making that other person angry before they get to you first, that way your controlling your anger.
anger can be good at times but only at the right time. saay if a car sells man says you can buy the car and the price each month is 130 and not a penny more well you are about to sign the paper for the car and he says o it will be 20 dollars more you should get anger and let them know your upset and dont want to be had.. but say your mom didnt get you what you want for your birthday dont get anger just be thankful for what you got. anger is ver powerful never let it control you.. you have to control the anger and use it at the right time
I don't think anger should be used. It should be controlled. If anger isn't controlled, it will control you. And aren't we prisoners of our own minds anyways? All of our nuances, or "ticks", are in our minds. Our self-perceived images are only what we THINK we should be.
Anger is powerful but if you let it control you then bad things can happen to you. but if you control your anger then things can go your way. When i play sports i try to get in their head and have their anger work against them.
I agree because when you get mad you usually do stuff that you don't mean to do and then it affects other people, which you didn't mean to do because it was only suppose to be towards that one person.
Anger is very strong its one of the strongest emotions we have, but you can control it by just thinking about what you are doing.You have to have self control. The key to anger is control.
Anger is a powerful emotion and just like any other emotion it can be used for good or bad. I believe everyone must understand the degree of how far their anger goes and learn to control it. Once you can control it you can funnel that anger to areas in which it is needed. I think it is very important that no one ever lets their anger control them.
anger can take over us ! If we let anger get to us things may happen that we will regret either now or later on in life ! Anger is very powerful and can hurt many people !
When people get angry, most the time they say and do things they don't mean, and to be able to control yourself and your anger is a very strong quality.
Anger is probably the most powerful human emotion. It can make or break people. By learning to control this emotion one can truly be successful. By letting it take control of you starts a weakness that in order to overcome takes perseverance and a desire to take control and in sports, controlling this anger can swing momentum and build you or your team towards a victory.
I agree. There are many ways you can take your anger and turn it into something positive but it takes patience. If you let your anger control you, you will become consumed by it and make bad decisions and have bad attitudes and outlooks on things.
Anger is an emotion that can be very dangerous to a person. Not only physically but mentally too. If you let anger take you over it will cloud your judgement and cause you to act on first thought and without any type of logical reasoning and can lead you down a path that you don't want to follow.
I agree. Anger will control you. If you don't know how to control it, then you will always be angry. You will be this way until you learn how to fix it. You have to use your anger for the appropriate times.. like sports. You don't need to use towards innocent people who did nothing to you.
I agree that it is probably the most powerful emotion we could have, it comes unexpectedly so it is very hard to control. When it gets the best of us it makes it hard to control our actions and things we say, as well as how we think towards someone or something.
"Speak in anger and you'll give the greatest speech you'll ever regret." This quote is trying to get you to realize if you let your anger out without good reason you will regret what you said. Letting yourself get anger is how anger takes control and you say stuff you wouldn't normally say.
It can be very challenging to control anger, but if it gets out of control, it could be damaging to many things. Controlling anger will help when dealing with situations that you don't like. It will bring success because you can focus more on things that you want and won't become angry if things don't work out the first time.
Anger can either be one of the most positive or most negative emotions you can experience, it just depends on how much control you have over it. You can channel your anger in a non-violent way in order to give more control over a situation like a sport. However, if you let your anger bubble up and consume you it really will feel as though you are a prisoner in your cell of rage. Anger can influence all your actions such as the way you treat family and friends, and even your outlook on life as a whole. Anger is like a bull, hard to control but an incredible power once you learn how to monitor it.
I agree, letting anger control us is no way to live life. living with anger makes us unable to think clearly and we sometimes make horrible decisions out of anger that either hurts us now or in the future. sometimes we make these bad decisions and they are over nothing really important.
Anger is a very powerful thing. You cant let it control you. You have to control it and learn how to use it the right way. If you let anger control you it can be really bad because you will become a mean person. You can over come that anger if you put your mind to it and be successul.
I think for the most part that anger can control anyone in any situation because if you get mad enough you just kinda go off. So i agree with "letting anger use us—makes us prisoners of our own minds."
I believe this is a very powerful quote. Anger is a very strong emotion in life. A lot of times it will take control over you even if you don't want it to. When people let anger over take then the outcome could be terrible. A lot of people don't know how to take over the anger and instead it takes over them. If more people knew how to take over their anger the world would be a lot better of a place.
I agree it is not very easy. You have to learn to deal with your anger. You have to use it to your advantage to make you a better person. If you let your anger get to you then you will get down on your self and have no self confidence. If you learn to use your anger to your advantage then you will make yourself a better person.
I agree with this because is not the only place you learn. School teaches you the basics such as Math, Science, History and English. However school doesn't teach you other such as how to shoot a gun or riding dirt bikes.
anger is a controlling aspect of everyones lives, but most people do discover how either repress their anger or make something productive of it. yet then there are people in this world that cannot control their anger, and have few options to change that, becuase mentally they are stuck being angry.....inception o_O!!
Anger is a very huge emotion. You have to learn to use it carefully or if you don't it could be misused. You never want to let anger take over you because if you do then it could lead to some trouble on your part. You can then have some bad mistakes and consequences that you are going to have to do.
Anger can be used in good ways and bad ways. When somebody makes you mad, the easiest thing to do is to get even with somebody, but to get revenge makes you exactly what you wanted to get revenge on in the first place. Or, you can use that anger to become better than the person who did something to you in the first place.
I agree because anger is can make you blind to everything around you if you don't control it.But if you never show your anger I can make you go insane.
Anger is like the little devil in us. It is capable of expressing ourselves in many ways that may harm others. Using the little devil in us we need to know when our breaking point is because when we further extend that exertion of anger we may just end up being on the next Judge Judy show the next morning. We must do our best to keep our anger in a captive state to when we release it we control it.
anger is a strength, just as much as it is a weakness. how you use it determines where it falls. if you let anger control you and make bad decisions, its a weakness. but if you control it and use it as a motive then its a strength. this is the difference between an average person, and a great person.
i agree! anger is the most powerful emotion and without any control over it, it can be very harmful and regretful. uncontrolled anger makes you do things you know you wouldn't usually do because it has that much power.
I agree because there is a difference between schooling and educating. Schooling means that you go to school. Being educated means that you are learning.
I understand what he is trying to say. He wrote this quote understanding anger cannot be avoided but used in different ways. It is our choice how the anger is distributed, and the effect it has on our and others life. To try and control and is an impossible task, anger is a feeling and like other feeling it must and will be expressed in some manner, on the same note we don't necessarily have to let anger control us. I believe it can be managed and to manger it is no easy task. To manage our anger and not be controlled by its temptation we must be mentally strong and aware of our feelings.
This quote says that it is easy to let anger control what you do, but that will lead to bad decisions. What it wants you to do is learn to control your anger and focus it into fixing the problem and doing positive things.
Anger is a touchy subject. Everyone no matter who you are has anger. So anger is there it can not be avoided. It is our choice of how we control our anger. If you don't have controlled anger then anger is going to control you. If you let anger control you most likely your not going to be very pleasant or happy. We deiced how we give and take anger too. Fact is it has to be controlled.
I think that when he says this, he's talking about the advantages and disadvantages of anger. The disadvantages are, that, if anger isn't used right, it can control you and make you do bad decisions that you may regret. But if fueled right, anger can drive you to be determined to do great things.
I would agree with this statement because anger can be a powerful thing, and if you let it take control of you then it will effect everything else you do. Everybody should learn to control their anger and turn it into something positive.
I believe this is a very powerful quote. Anger is a very strong thing that takes place in daily lives ; it's an emotion. Sometimes it takes over people when they can't control it or don't want to. Sometimes people let the smallest things take over there lives and they build up anger. A lot of people don't know how to take over the anger and instead it takes over them. If more people knew how to control themselves and anger i believe the world would be a better place and society would not be so messed up!
Anger can really control a person. That's why its up to people to have the willpower to not let it get over their head. Anger can stay in a person and bother them for their entire life. That's what it means by "makes us prisoners of our own minds". As human beings we need to learn to forgive and forget.
What he means by this quote is when people get angry they don't think of what they're saying. Their anger over takes them and they say and do things in anger. If we let anger work through us we no longer have a say in what we say because anger over takes our minds. To the point where we can't think for ourselves at all. If we learn to control our anger the world will be a better place for everyone.
This is a great quote. Anger is something that can not be hidden and can't just go away. It builds up from the inside and can rip your mind in pieces. It states that there are two options, either let anger process in your mind & create more problems, or you can talk it out, and solve the problem.
Anger can be hard to control if you don't have control over it. If you let it control you it can get you in a lot of trouble. Learning to use anger can be a hard task, that's why most people use it without control
It might be difficult to learn how to use your anger for good things, but i think that it is better for people to use it for something like improving, than to hurt people or do something else that could hurt them in the long run.
I think this quote says anger is just another way to control what decisions you make. But if you learn how to control your anger you will make the right decisions.
Anger is a powerful emotion. It can trap you within it or it can motivate you to reach great success. The key to controlling anger is to not let it get to your head. If you are open-minded and learn to "blow-off" the anger, then you will achieve more. Anger can hurt or help; it's all dependent on your mindset.
Whats up you guys.... I'm gonna half to disagree, that is because you anger only takes action if you let it.... My dad told me that there is a saying.... its not about what people say to you, its how you respond to the situation.... Proverbs chapter 16:32... He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city. This means that as long as you don't let anyone push you to your limit.... you will be the one that wins the situation...
Anger is very powerfull depending on how you use it. if you have a good personality you would try to usse your anger for good things and if you have a bad personality you would use it for bad
Anger can be a good tool if you use it to your advantage. If you let your anger control you it can be dangerous. But if you use your anger only to benefit you it can be a handy tool.
People need to learn to control their anger, instead of letting their anger control them. People do and say dumb things they dont particularly mean when they are angry. but when you learn to control your anger, it can pay off.
You can't let your anger get the best of you. It is a very strong emotion and if not controlled can get the best of you. You need to keep your anger controlled or it could possibly get let out at a bad time or on the wrong person.
I think anger is a good and bad thing ,good because it can push you to do things you never thought you could.bad because it can consume you so that you're never happy or can never look on the bright side of anything
Anger is one of the most powerful feelings and not being able to control it can be a huge problem. It is hard not to get angry at something that bothers you or something that you are against, but letting anger take over your mind can turn a good person into a bad person any day. Learn how to take control over your anger.
I think that anger can be used very successfully if you learn to control it and use it to achieve a certain goal, it can push you to do better. I use this in sports. But if you don't control it, and you let it control you, then you WILL make stupid decisions that you WILL regret it.
Anger is unavoidable sometimes, but the way you use your anger is your decision. People get mad all the time, it's part of who we are. Certain people get angrier than others. You can use it for something good, like as motivation to prove a doubter wrong or work harder. But anger can also be used as a bad thing, like beating someone up or saying something mean.
Anger is something that we have to learn to control ourselves and using the excuse of "I can't control my anger" is how we succumb to our nature. anger was implanted in us when we were born and if we let it control us, without learning about yourself to control it, we then become a (slave) to something that leads to that will affect you your whole life.
Anger can capture our mind in a sense that we can see nothing, think nothing but what we are angry about. People make dumb decisions and do not think things through when they're angry. Anger is natural sense so we are going to have it, the key is just learning to control it.
Emotions can be very powerful and uncontrollable things that sometimes make people do things that they will regret. Anger is a very unpredictable emotion that is different for everyone. Learning to control your anger and what you say is a very difficult task that takes time and practice. I think this quote shows how anger is not easily controlled because it is a very powerful emotion but that if we don't control it we will be controlled by our anger and end up saying and doing things you're going to regret.
People do tend to get angry with things that aren't so serious or things that doesn't even involve them. Most of the time we let our anger get the best of us and not think about what others may think of us or about us.
Anger is definitely a emotion that everybody uses in different ways. Some people play sports just to release that anger. Like me, baseball isn't really a contact sport, but you get pretty angry, like when people are bush league. That just gets me off the chart. but yea i get pretty angry from time to time.
If you cannot control your anger then your anger will use will consume you, therefore your anger uses itself against you. If you learn to control and use your anger then you can use it better your life and relationships. Such as during sports you try to anger your opponent so that you "get in their head" which makes them use their anger against them. Although if you can control your anger and use it to say hit the baseball harder then you have used your anger for the better.
Anger is what anger is... It is a common yet powerful emotion. Same as sad is what sad is. You must learn to control your anger, How ever... You shouldn't bottle it, Instead use it to your advantage...
It would depend on the person, honestly. Some people have more control over their emotions than others, and therefore there is no definite level of how much one can hold back a raging emotion. Anger, like many other emotions, can be powerful, and a person needs a certain amount of emotional stability in order to prevent the anger from overtaking him. Some people are better at this than others - they can hold their negative emotions in and only use them at appropriate moments where they would not bring harm to anyone else. In all honesty, there is no "real" right or wrong answer to this because everyone has their own abilities and limits when it comes to this.
I think anger is both good and bad. I feel this way because when you are angry, you sometimes let out your anger. You show your feelings. If you show you are mad, people may stop doing what they are doing that is making you angry. Anger is also bad because people may purposely make you mad to get a certain response out of you which would obviously anger. If you don't show your anger, it could be bad because pent-up anger only gets you into trouble later in life. Everyone needs to learn to control their anger. Some people chose to go to to anger management classes, and others can control it with no help. It's a personal journey you must take on your own unless you choose to have help from someone with more wisdom. Bottom Line: Prudence will help you with anger. Gain prudence, and you will be able to control you anger because you will know how anger works.
Well anger is one of the most powerful things on Earth, you can use anger in a good or bad way and most people don't know how to use it. Some people just bleed anger, they're just angry people and angry at the world, some people bottle up their anger and just let it out all at one time, and some people just vent it out little by little. Not everyone uses it in a good way and letting anger consume you creates a hate within and once you have hate built up inside you it's hard to get rid of. People say that for every bad thing you do or say to someone it takes 100 good things to make it better. So say you use your built up anger on the geek at school and you do this a lot, once you come to your senses it will take you your whole life to make it better.
Anger, depending on how you use it, can be used as good or bad. If you use it as a good thing, it can be used as a motivation. Sometimes, people let it get the best of them and the anger takes over there decisions.
I think anger is kinda scary. People act differently to it. Some may get angry too, while others can be scared. People act differently while angry too. Some can be violent, while others might just show it but bottle it up. you may be successful if your angry most most people do not like do not like an angry person. It's a rage that take over you and can and will control you. If you don't learn how to control it you won't get very far in life. Angry can and will make you choose bad decisions.
anger is a strong emotion that can be hard to handle. but if you let it control you, you could do/say things you normally wouldnt, which can, in a way, trap you. keeping your emotions together and not letting them rule you will make life easier.
You can control anger, but the difficult part is getting rid of it. The first initial step is to not let anger find its way to you. I mean we will all get mad and we will need to blow steam. But when your at the point of explosion you have to take a step back and breathe. Calm yourself. Is it really worth screaming and yelling at your parents or making a fool of yourself?
Anger is an emotion that everyone has. It takes a lot to control it the right way. Sometimes you just got to let it out. If you hold anger in for to long it can eat you up inside. By mean of letting it out, that doesn't have to mean on somebody. You got to find ways to let it out without it totally affecting someone negatively.
When you get mad, you tend to do or say things that you don't mean and you end up regretting later. Being in control of your emotions is really important so the people around you don't get hurt.
Anger is very hard to control. Many people lash out when they become angry. It is so powerful though, for if someone can control it, they can turn it into something positive.
Angry is a strong feeling that can over power anybody! thats why we have to learn how to over come it when it comes upon us cause sometimes angry casues us to do things that we do not mean to do to people or to are self!
Anger is sometimes hard to control. The best way to handle anger is to not let it control you by ignoring it. You need to calm yourself down before you do something stupid that will get you in trouble. The best time to control your anger is in arguments with your friends and parents.
Everyone gets angry at times , but you can't let anger control you or your actions . If you do something out of anger 99% of the time you will regret what you said or done when you was angry . That's why when you get angry you should take a step back and watch what you say or do .
Anger is a tool and like any tool that isn't used with care it can become dangerous. However anger also varies within each person. Some learn how to harness and use anger while others let anger take control of their everyday actions. Never thinking level headed is always a problem but at the same time never becoming angry and using it to drive you can also become a problem. As many of us know a lot of things we do in life require emotion to feel real, and while anger is something that is dangerous without it we could never truly say we have experienced the human experience. You take the good with the bad, without anger and that emotion we would be incomplete human beings.
Anger-Is like playing with fire your gonna get burned if you mess around with more then what you should. People tempt you and you get mad so you take action to stop it normal human instincts right? Yes but to the level people take to stop it is where they let there anger take a hold of themselves and they do things they regret and wish they could take back. For example: say your grades arent good your parents try to ask you why they are slipping and you just think its okay cause nothings wrong they are just over reacting then they keep trying to talk to you and you get sick of it so you snap back and scream at them to leave you alone then they ground you for talking back and screaming at them and maybe you used vulgar language too. Youll regret that the next day. Dont let anger control who you are.
Anger is one of those emotions that can probably be the hardest to control. The outcomes of anger will probably become a regret. Most people can not control their self but i actually do think there is a way to deal with anger and a way to control yourself and your mind even though it is hard to do sometimes but it is possible.
when i was younger i had a very bad anger problem,and i had to do exactly what it said in the poem. That i had to turn the anger into a positive action. Anger can rule your your life if you don't contain it right, it will leave your life full of regret and sorrow.It is not good feeling.
Anger is an overpowering emotion. It can lead us to actions of greatness or actions that are treacherous. If you let your anger out every time you feel it, you seem like an irrational person and your anger is controlling you. If you hold your anger in and let it simmer you essentially control it. Using your anger to do great things can be empowering (no rebellion would have been accomplished without anger)it isn't easy but it can be done. But letting your anger out and letting it use you can lead to horrific things, murder, suicide, theft, battery etc. Personally I think having some but not complete control of your anger is the best way to go. It's human to be angry and to act out anger, it's inhuman to let your anger do the acting for you
If you don't know how to control your emotions than you will become a hot mess. One of the hardest emotions to control is anger, if you hold in your anger and let it build up than it's going to come out at the wrong time and on the wrong person. It's good to let your anger out in a non-harmful way, like by playing football or writing a letter that shows your anger and then dispose it.
Anger is a very powerful emotion and if you don't learn how to control it, it will control you and you wont be the favorite person to hang around. I know it can be hard to control it sometimes, but if you work hard to control it it will bring success to your life and you can focus on other things in your life.
Anger is a powerful emotion. Its best to take control of your anger, but a lot of times, anger takes control of you. Then you do things you wouldn't do if you were angry. Some of the choices you make may end up in serious trouble. So learn to control your anger, and not let it control you.
ReplyDeleteWhen you let anger use you, your letting that person or priority take control of you and you are giving them the excitement that they want. But when you learn to use someone else's anger against them, you are taking control of that person or that situation. When you learn to use anger, you are succeeding.
ReplyDeleteI like the thought of the day today. 9/21/2011. It makes perfect sense on how "anger uses us". It gives anger life, making it a being of it's own. I know from personal experience that when you use anger, it basically controls you and makes you do things you never would of done in a normal state. So this statement is very true. Anger does use us.
ReplyDeletewhen you let anger use you, your letting people or that person get to you. using anger against you is making that other person angry before they get to you first, that way your controlling your anger.
ReplyDeleteanger can be good at times but only at the right time. saay if a car sells man says you can buy the car and the price each month is 130 and not a penny more well you are about to sign the paper for the car and he says o it will be 20 dollars more you should get anger and let them know your upset and dont want to be had..
ReplyDeletebut say your mom didnt get you what you want for your birthday dont get anger just be thankful for what you got. anger is ver powerful never let it control you.. you have to control the anger and use it at the right time
I don't think anger should be used. It should be controlled. If anger isn't controlled, it will control you.
ReplyDeleteAnd aren't we prisoners of our own minds anyways? All of our nuances, or "ticks", are in our minds. Our self-perceived images are only what we THINK we should be.
So true. But that is why I wrestle so I can use that anger.
ReplyDeleteAnger is powerful but if you let it control you then bad things can happen to you. but if you control your anger then things can go your way. When i play sports i try to get in their head and have their anger work against them.
ReplyDeleteI agree because when you get mad you usually do stuff that you don't mean to do and then it affects other people, which you didn't mean to do because it was only suppose to be towards that one person.
ReplyDeleteAnger is very strong its one of the strongest emotions we have, but you can control it by just thinking about what you are doing.You have to have self control. The key to anger is control.
ReplyDeleteAnger is a powerful emotion and just like any other emotion it can be used for good or bad. I believe everyone must understand the degree of how far their anger goes and learn to control it. Once you can control it you can funnel that anger to areas in which it is needed. I think it is very important that no one ever lets their anger control them.
ReplyDeleteanger can take over us ! If we let anger get to us things may happen that we will regret either now or later on in life ! Anger is very powerful and can hurt many people !
ReplyDeleteWhen people get angry, most the time they say and do things they don't mean, and to be able to control yourself and your anger is a very strong quality.
ReplyDeleteIssues can be resolved without anger or hate. I agree with what Jordan said.
ReplyDeleteAnger is probably the most powerful human emotion. It can make or break people. By learning to control this emotion one can truly be successful. By letting it take control of you starts a weakness that in order to overcome takes perseverance and a desire to take control and in sports, controlling this anger can swing momentum and build you or your team towards a victory.
ReplyDeleteI agree. There are many ways you can take your anger and turn it into something positive but it takes patience. If you let your anger control you, you will become consumed by it and make bad decisions and have bad attitudes and outlooks on things.
ReplyDeleteAnger is an emotion that can be very dangerous to a person. Not only physically but mentally too. If you let anger take you over it will cloud your judgement and cause you to act on first thought and without any type of logical reasoning and can lead you down a path that you don't want to follow.
ReplyDeleteI agree. Anger will control you. If you don't know how to control it, then you will always be angry. You will be this way until you learn how to fix it. You have to use your anger for the appropriate times.. like sports. You don't need to use towards innocent people who did nothing to you.
ReplyDeleteI agree that it is probably the most powerful emotion we could have, it comes unexpectedly so it is very hard to control. When it gets the best of us it makes it hard to control our actions and things we say, as well as how we think towards someone or something.
ReplyDelete"Speak in anger and you'll give the greatest speech you'll ever regret." This quote is trying to get you to realize if you let your anger out without good reason you will regret what you said. Letting yourself get anger is how anger takes control and you say stuff you wouldn't normally say.
ReplyDeleteIt can be very challenging to control anger, but if it gets out of control, it could be damaging to many things. Controlling anger will help when dealing with situations that you don't like. It will bring success because you can focus more on things that you want and won't become angry if things don't work out the first time.
ReplyDeleteAnger can either be one of the most positive or most negative emotions you can experience, it just depends on how much control you have over it. You can channel your anger in a non-violent way in order to give more control over a situation like a sport. However, if you let your anger bubble up and consume you it really will feel as though you are a prisoner in your cell of rage. Anger can influence all your actions such as the way you treat family and friends, and even your outlook on life as a whole. Anger is like a bull, hard to control but an incredible power once you learn how to monitor it.
ReplyDeleteI agree, letting anger control us is no way to live life. living with anger makes us unable to think clearly and we sometimes make horrible decisions out of anger that either hurts us now or in the future. sometimes we make these bad decisions and they are over nothing really important.
ReplyDeleteAnger is a very powerful thing. You cant let it control you. You have to control it and learn how to use it the right way. If you let anger control you it can be really bad because you will become a mean person. You can over come that anger if you put your mind to it and be successul.
ReplyDeleteI think for the most part that anger can control anyone in any situation because if you get mad enough you just kinda go off. So i agree with "letting anger use us—makes us prisoners of our own minds."
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI believe this is a very powerful quote. Anger is a very strong emotion in life. A lot of times it will take control over you even if you don't want it to. When people let anger over take then the outcome could be terrible. A lot of people don't know how to take over the anger and instead it takes over them. If more people knew how to take over their anger the world would be a lot better of a place.
ReplyDeleteI agree it is not very easy. You have to learn to deal with your anger. You have to use it to your advantage to make you a better person. If you let your anger get to you then you will get down on your self and have no self confidence. If you learn to use your anger to your advantage then you will make yourself a better person.
ReplyDeleteI agree with this because is not the only place you learn. School teaches you the basics such as Math, Science, History and English. However school doesn't teach you other such as how to shoot a gun or riding dirt bikes.
ReplyDeleteanger is a controlling aspect of everyones lives, but most people do discover how either repress their anger or make something productive of it. yet then there are people in this world that cannot control their anger, and have few options to change that, becuase mentally they are stuck being angry.....inception o_O!!
ReplyDeleteAnger is a very huge emotion. You have to learn to use it carefully or if you don't it could be misused. You never want to let anger take over you because if you do then it could lead to some trouble on your part. You can then have some bad mistakes and consequences that you are going to have to do.
ReplyDeleteAnger can be used in good ways and bad ways. When somebody makes you mad, the easiest thing to do is to get even with somebody, but to get revenge makes you exactly what you wanted to get revenge on in the first place. Or, you can use that anger to become better than the person who did something to you in the first place.
ReplyDeleteI agree because anger is can make you blind to everything around you if you don't control it.But if you never show your anger I can make you go insane.
ReplyDeleteAnger is like the little devil in us. It is capable of expressing ourselves in many ways that may harm others. Using the little devil in us we need to know when our breaking point is because when we further extend that exertion of anger we may just end up being on the next Judge Judy show the next morning. We must do our best to keep our anger in a captive state to when we release it we control it.
ReplyDeleteanger is a strength, just as much as it is a weakness. how you use it determines where it falls. if you let anger control you and make bad decisions, its a weakness. but if you control it and use it as a motive then its a strength. this is the difference between an average person, and a great person.
ReplyDeletei agree! anger is the most powerful emotion and without any control over it, it can be very harmful and regretful. uncontrolled anger makes you do things you know you wouldn't usually do because it has that much power.
ReplyDeleteI agree because there is a difference between schooling and educating. Schooling means that you go to school. Being educated means that you are learning.
ReplyDeleteI understand what he is trying to say. He wrote this quote understanding anger cannot be avoided but used in different ways. It is our choice how the anger is distributed, and the effect it has on our and others life. To try and control and is an impossible task, anger is a feeling and like other feeling it must and will be expressed in some manner, on the same note we don't necessarily have to let anger control us. I believe it can be managed and to manger it is no easy task. To manage our anger and not be controlled by its temptation we must be mentally strong and aware of our feelings.
ReplyDeleteThis quote says that it is easy to let anger control what you do, but that will lead to bad decisions. What it wants you to do is learn to control your anger and focus it into fixing the problem and doing positive things.
ReplyDeleteokay well he is right about not let anger control us but learning to use anger is a hard task because most the time it is uncontroling
ReplyDeleteAnger is a touchy subject. Everyone no matter who you are has anger. So anger is there it can not be avoided. It is our choice of how we control our anger. If you don't have controlled anger then anger is going to control you. If you let anger control you most likely your not going to be very pleasant or happy. We deiced how we give and take anger too. Fact is it has to be controlled.
ReplyDeleteI think that when he says this, he's talking about the advantages and disadvantages of anger. The disadvantages are, that, if anger isn't used right, it can control you and make you do bad decisions that you may regret. But if fueled right, anger can drive you to be determined to do great things.
ReplyDeleteI would agree with this statement because anger can be a powerful thing, and if you let it take control of you then it will effect everything else you do. Everybody should learn to control their anger and turn it into something positive.
ReplyDeleteI believe this is a very powerful quote. Anger is a very strong thing that takes place in daily lives ; it's an emotion. Sometimes it takes over people when they can't control it or don't want to. Sometimes people let the smallest things take over there lives and they build up anger. A lot of people don't know how to take over the anger and instead it takes over them. If more people knew how to control themselves and anger i believe the world would be a better place and society would not be so messed up!
ReplyDeleteAnger can really control a person. That's why its up to people to have the willpower to not let it get over their head. Anger can stay in a person and bother them for their entire life. That's what it means by "makes us prisoners of our own minds". As human beings we need to learn to forgive and forget.
ReplyDeleteWhat he means by this quote is when people get angry they don't think of what they're saying. Their anger over takes them and they say and do things in anger. If we let anger work through us we no longer have a say in what we say because anger over takes our minds. To the point where we can't think for ourselves at all. If we learn to control our anger the world will be a better place for everyone.
ReplyDeleteThis is a great quote. Anger is something that can not be hidden and can't just go away. It builds up from the inside and can rip your mind in pieces. It states that there are two options, either let anger process in your mind & create more problems, or you can talk it out, and solve the problem.
ReplyDeleteAnger can be hard to control if you don't have control over it. If you let it control you it can get you in a lot of trouble. Learning to use anger can be a hard task, that's why most people use it without control
ReplyDeleteIt might be difficult to learn how to use your anger for good things, but i think that it is better for people to use it for something like improving, than to hurt people or do something else that could hurt them in the long run.
ReplyDeleteThis quote means we should learn to control our anger but its a very hard task. People go with the easier way which is letting anger control them.
ReplyDeleteI think this quote says anger is just another way to control what decisions you make. But if you learn how to control your anger you will make the right decisions.
ReplyDeleteAnger is a powerful emotion. It can trap you within it or it can motivate you to reach great success. The key to controlling anger is to not let it get to your head. If you are open-minded and learn to "blow-off" the anger, then you will achieve more. Anger can hurt or help; it's all dependent on your mindset.
ReplyDeleteWhats up you guys.... I'm gonna half to disagree, that is because you anger only takes action if you let it.... My dad told me that there is a saying.... its not about what people say to you, its how you respond to the situation.... Proverbs chapter 16:32... He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city. This means that as long as you don't let anyone push you to your limit.... you will be the one that wins the situation...
ReplyDeleteAnger is very powerfull depending on how you use it. if you have a good personality you would try to usse your anger for good things and if you have a bad personality you would use it for bad
ReplyDeleteAnger can be a good tool if you use it to your advantage. If you let your anger control you it can be dangerous. But if you use your anger only to benefit you it can be a handy tool.
ReplyDeletePeople need to learn to control their anger, instead of letting their anger control them. People do and say dumb things they dont particularly mean when they are angry. but when you learn to control your anger, it can pay off.
ReplyDelete\m/ Ò_ó \m/ Metal
You can't let your anger get the best of you. It is a very strong emotion and if not controlled can get the best of you. You need to keep your anger controlled or it could possibly get let out at a bad time or on the wrong person.
ReplyDeleteI think anger is a good and bad thing ,good because it can push you to do things you never thought you could.bad because it can consume you so that you're never happy or can never look on the bright side of anything
ReplyDeleteAnger is one of the most powerful feelings and not being able to control it can be a huge problem. It is hard not to get angry at something that bothers you or something that you are against, but letting anger take over your mind can turn a good person into a bad person any day. Learn how to take control over your anger.
ReplyDeleteI think that anger can be used very successfully if you learn to control it and use it to achieve a certain goal, it can push you to do better. I use this in sports. But if you don't control it, and you let it control you, then you WILL make stupid decisions that you WILL regret it.
ReplyDeleteAnger is unavoidable sometimes, but the way you use your anger is your decision. People get mad all the time, it's part of who we are. Certain people get angrier than others. You can use it for something good, like as motivation to prove a doubter wrong or work harder. But anger can also be used as a bad thing, like beating someone up or saying something mean.
ReplyDeleteAnger is something that we have to learn to control ourselves and using the excuse of "I can't control my anger" is how we succumb to our nature. anger was implanted in us when we were born and if we let it control us, without learning about yourself to control it, we then become a (slave) to something that leads to that will affect you your whole life.
ReplyDeleteAnger can capture our mind in a sense that we can see nothing, think nothing but what we are angry about. People make dumb decisions and do not think things through when they're angry. Anger is natural sense so we are going to have it, the key is just learning to control it.
ReplyDeleteEmotions can be very powerful and uncontrollable things that sometimes make people do things that they will regret. Anger is a very unpredictable emotion that is different for everyone. Learning to control your anger and what you say is a very difficult task that takes time and practice. I think this quote shows how anger is not easily controlled because it is a very powerful emotion but that if we don't control it we will be controlled by our anger and end up saying and doing things you're going to regret.
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ReplyDeletePeople do tend to get angry with things that aren't so serious or things that doesn't even involve them. Most of the time we let our anger get the best of us and not think about what others may think of us or about us.
ReplyDeleteAnger is definitely a emotion that everybody uses in different ways. Some people play sports just to release that anger. Like me, baseball isn't really a contact sport, but you get pretty angry, like when people are bush league. That just gets me off the chart. but yea i get pretty angry from time to time.
ReplyDeleteIf you cannot control your anger then your anger will use will consume you, therefore your anger uses itself against you. If you learn to control and use your anger then you can use it better your life and relationships. Such as during sports you try to anger your opponent so that you "get in their head" which makes them use their anger against them. Although if you can control your anger and use it to say hit the baseball harder then you have used your anger for the better.
ReplyDeleteAnger is what anger is... It is a common yet powerful emotion. Same as sad is what sad is. You must learn to control your anger, How ever... You shouldn't bottle it, Instead use it to your advantage...
ReplyDeleteu can never let anger get the best of you because you can end up doing things u will regret but it can push you to do better things
ReplyDeleteIt would depend on the person, honestly. Some people have more control over their emotions than others, and therefore there is no definite level of how much one can hold back a raging emotion. Anger, like many other emotions, can be powerful, and a person needs a certain amount of emotional stability in order to prevent the anger from overtaking him. Some people are better at this than others - they can hold their negative emotions in and only use them at appropriate moments where they would not bring harm to anyone else. In all honesty, there is no "real" right or wrong answer to this because everyone has their own abilities and limits when it comes to this.
ReplyDeleteI think anger is both good and bad. I feel this way because when you are angry, you sometimes let out your anger. You show your feelings. If you show you are mad, people may stop doing what they are doing that is making you angry.
ReplyDeleteAnger is also bad because people may purposely make you mad to get a certain response out of you which would obviously anger. If you don't show your anger, it could be bad because pent-up anger only gets you into trouble later in life.
Everyone needs to learn to control their anger. Some people chose to go to to anger management classes, and others can control it with no help. It's a personal journey you must take on your own unless you choose to have help from someone with more wisdom.
Bottom Line: Prudence will help you with anger. Gain prudence, and you will be able to control you anger because you will know how anger works.
Well anger is one of the most powerful things on Earth, you can use anger in a good or bad way and most people don't know how to use it. Some people just bleed anger, they're just angry people and angry at the world, some people bottle up their anger and just let it out all at one time, and some people just vent it out little by little. Not everyone uses it in a good way and letting anger consume you creates a hate within and once you have hate built up inside you it's hard to get rid of. People say that for every bad thing you do or say to someone it takes 100 good things to make it better. So say you use your built up anger on the geek at school and you do this a lot, once you come to your senses it will take you your whole life to make it better.
ReplyDeleteAnger, depending on how you use it, can be used as good or bad. If you use it as a good thing, it can be used as a motivation. Sometimes, people let it get the best of them and the anger takes over there decisions.
ReplyDeletei think if you let anger get to you will regret what ever you do..but if you keep calm about the situation you will be happy with the outcome
ReplyDeleteI think anger is kinda scary. People act differently to it. Some may get angry too, while others can be scared. People act differently while angry too. Some can be violent, while others might just show it but bottle it up. you may be successful if your angry most most people do not like do not like an angry person. It's a rage that take over you and can and will control you. If you don't learn how to control it you won't get very far in life. Angry can and will make you choose bad decisions.
ReplyDeleteI think what he means is don't let anger take over you & affect the decisions you make because you will regret it later.
ReplyDeleteanger is a strong emotion that can be hard to handle. but if you let it control you, you could do/say things you normally wouldnt, which can, in a way, trap you. keeping your emotions together and not letting them rule you will make life easier.
ReplyDeleteYou can control anger, but the difficult part is getting rid of it. The first initial step is to not let anger find its way to you. I mean we will all get mad and we will need to blow steam. But when your at the point of explosion you have to take a step back and breathe. Calm yourself. Is it really worth screaming and yelling at your parents or making a fool of yourself?
ReplyDeleteAnger is an emotion that everyone has. It takes a lot to control it the right way. Sometimes you just got to let it out. If you hold anger in for to long it can eat you up inside. By mean of letting it out, that doesn't have to mean on somebody. You got to find ways to let it out without it totally affecting someone negatively.
ReplyDeletei agree that being angry all the time is now way to live your life anger likes to control our actions
ReplyDeleteWhen you get mad, you tend to do or say things that you don't mean and you end up regretting later. Being in control of your emotions is really important so the people around you don't get hurt.
ReplyDeletesome people have anger problems so it makes it hard for them to control it. its not always their choice to let anger control them.
ReplyDeleteAnger is very hard to control. Many people lash out when they become angry. It is so powerful though, for if someone can control it, they can turn it into something positive.
ReplyDeleteAngry is a strong feeling that can over power anybody! thats why we have to learn how to over come it when it comes upon us cause sometimes angry casues us to do things that we do not mean to do to people or to are self!
ReplyDeleteAnger is hard to control, and it is even worse when you let anger get to you.
ReplyDeletethis is Bryson Smith
ReplyDeleteAnger is sometimes hard to control. The best way to handle anger is to not let it control you by ignoring it. You need to calm yourself down before you do something stupid that will get you in trouble. The best time to control your anger is in arguments with your friends and parents.
ReplyDeleteEveryone gets angry at times , but you can't let anger control you or your actions . If you do something out of anger 99% of the time you will regret what you said or done when you was angry . That's why when you get angry you should take a step back and watch what you say or do .
ReplyDeleteAnger is a tool and like any tool that isn't used with care it can become dangerous. However anger also varies within each person. Some learn how to harness and use anger while others let anger take control of their everyday actions. Never thinking level headed is always a problem but at the same time never becoming angry and using it to drive you can also become a problem. As many of us know a lot of things we do in life require emotion to feel real, and while anger is something that is dangerous without it we could never truly say we have experienced the human experience. You take the good with the bad, without anger and that emotion we would be incomplete human beings.
ReplyDeleteAnger-Is like playing with fire your gonna get burned if you mess around with more then what you should.
ReplyDeletePeople tempt you and you get mad so you take action to stop it normal human instincts right?
Yes but to the level people take to stop it is where they let there anger take a hold of themselves and they do things they regret and wish they could take back.
For example: say your grades arent good your parents try to ask you why they are slipping and you just think its okay cause nothings wrong they are just over reacting then they keep trying to talk to you and you get sick of it so you snap back and scream at them to leave you alone then they ground you for talking back and screaming at them and maybe you used vulgar language too.
Youll regret that the next day.
Dont let anger control who you are.
Anger is one of those emotions that can probably be the hardest to control. The outcomes of anger will probably become a regret. Most people can not control their self but i actually do think there is a way to deal with anger and a way to control yourself and your mind even though it is hard to do sometimes but it is possible.
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ReplyDeletewhen i was younger i had a very bad anger problem,and i had to do exactly what it said in the poem. That i had to turn the anger into a positive action. Anger can rule your your life if you don't contain it right, it will leave your life full of regret and sorrow.It is not good feeling.
ReplyDeleteAnger is an overpowering emotion. It can lead us to actions of greatness or actions that are treacherous. If you let your anger out every time you feel it, you seem like an irrational person and your anger is controlling you. If you hold your anger in and let it simmer you essentially control it. Using your anger to do great things can be empowering (no rebellion would have been accomplished without anger)it isn't easy but it can be done. But letting your anger out and letting it use you can lead to horrific things, murder, suicide, theft, battery etc. Personally I think having some but not complete control of your anger is the best way to go. It's human to be angry and to act out anger, it's inhuman to let your anger do the acting for you
ReplyDeleteIf you don't know how to control your emotions than you will become a hot mess. One of the hardest emotions to control is anger, if you hold in your anger and let it build up than it's going to come out at the wrong time and on the wrong person. It's good to let your anger out in a non-harmful way, like by playing football or writing a letter that shows your anger and then dispose it.
ReplyDeleteAnger is a very powerful emotion and if you don't learn how to control it, it will control you and you wont be the favorite person to hang around. I know it can be hard to control it sometimes, but if you work hard to control it it will bring success to your life and you can focus on other things in your life.
ReplyDeleteanger is confusing